BSIT 5th Semester Books Download in PDF
Following are the all subjects and also explain there outline of every subject you can learn it.
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Theory of Automata(IT)
Objectives: Formal language, Defining Language, Regular Expression, Finite Automata, Transition Graphs, Kleene’s Theorem, Finite Automata with output, Regular Languages, Non regular Languages, Decidability, Demonstration Of JFLAP, Context Free Grammars, Grammatical Format, Pushdown Automata (PDA), CFG=PDA, Non-Context-Free Languages, ContextFree Languages, Decidability, Turing Machine, The Chomsky Hierarchy
Book Details:
Language: English
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Operating Systems (CMP)
Objectives: The objective of this course is to give students knowledge of construction and working of Operating systems, to enable them to understand management and sharing of computer resources, communication and concurrency and develop effective and efficient applications and also to appreciate the problems and issues regarding multi-user, multitasking, and distributed systems. The following topics will be covered in the course: Introduction to Main Frames System, multi programmed System, batch system, Time sharing system, Desktop System, Multiprocessor system, distributed system, client server, Real time system, Hand held System, Computer System Structure, Caching, Coherency and consistency, Operating System Structure, Process management, System calls, Process control, Communication, micro-kernels, Virtual machines, Processes, Threads, multithreading models, CPU Scheduling, Process Synchronization, Critical section problem, Semaphores, Deadlock, Memory Management, Memory allocation, Fragmentation, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual Memory, Demand paging, Page replacement, Allocation of frames, Thrashing, File System Interface, Directory structure, File system mounting, File System Implementation, NFS, Protection.
Book Details:
Name: Operating System Concepts
Author: Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
Edition: 7th Edition
Language: English
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Principles of Management(SS)
Objectives: This course provides the fundamental knowledge of Management. The following topics will be covered in the course: Managers and Management, The Evolution of Management, Managerial Environment, Decision Making, Planning, Strategic Management, Organizing, Human Resource Management, Motivation, Leading, Controlling, Quality, Productivity and Customer Satisfaction and Case Studies.
Book Details:
Objectives: The course aims to introduce basic database concepts, different data models, data storage and retrieval techniques and database design techniques. The course primarily focuses on relational data model and DBMS concepts. The following topics will be covered in the course: Traditional File Based Systems, Roles in Database Environment, ANSI-SPARC Architecture, Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Models, Multi-User DBMS Architectures, Relational Data Structures, Database Schemas, Relational Integrity, Introduction to SQL, Data Manipulation, Creating a Database, Tables, Index, Views, Transactions, Database Application Life Cycle, Database Planning, Database Design, Data Administration & Database Administration, Entity Types, Relationship Types, Structural Constrains, Problems with ER Models, Specialization/Generalization For EERD, Anomalies, Functional Dependency, Process of Normalization, Database Design Methodology, Database Security, Client Server Architecture, Centralized and Distributed Databases, Advance Topics.
Book Details:
Name: Principles of DB using C and C++
Author: Vinu V Das
Language: English
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Object Oriented Analysis and Design (ICS)
Objectives: The objective of this course is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer science and software applications. It involves the applications of object-oriented concepts and to identify and analyze criteria and specifications appropriate to specific object oriented problems, and plan strategies for their solution. The following topics will be covered in the course: Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Linear and Iterative Process Models, Requirement Engineering utilizing Object-Oriented Techniques, Software Design and Architectures, Object-Oriented Design, UML modeling, Use-Case Modeling, Domain Modeling, Interaction Diagrams, Design Modeling, and Implementation Modeling; Design Patterns (GRASP), User Interface Design, Usage of Rational Rose, Object-Oriented Testing, Object-Oriented Metrics, Component Based Development, Reusability
Book Details:
Name: Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering
Author: Stephen R. Schach.
Edition: Eighth
Language: English
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Introduction to Philosophy (HM)
(Formal Logics)
Objectives: Definition of the word Philosophy, Nature application of philosophy, Branches of philosophy that involve in the root knowledge, culture, society, science and religions. History of philosophy (Greek: Muslim age, Modern age, Muslim Philosophy, difference between Theology , Muslim Philosophy. Some metaphysical problems, Existence of God, Freedom of and life after death. Muslim Philosophers, AL KINDI, IMAM GHAZALI, IBN KHULDUN. Critical and analytical thinking and its importance for self development learning process and problem solving. Epistemology, Sources of Knowledge, re-empiricism, intuition, revelation, environment, media, and other sources. Ethics, day marketing, role of ethic of peace and prosperity. Ethics of computer, computer crime, cyber stalking. Philosophy of computer science, science and its importance, computing; computer science is a science or another field. Artificial intelligence difference between human mind and computer memory. Cyber philosophy, human machine interaction, impacts of computing on society and organization. Philosophy Religion: Conflict of different ways of religious life, relation between philosophy religion, reason and revelation, difference between them, relation between the General Philosophical view, Globalization and its importance, importance of culture and society, culture and society is necessary for restless person. Formal logic, valid and invalid arguments, premises, conclusion and fallacies.
Book Details:
Name: A Concise Introduction to Logic
Author: HURELY
Edition: Ninth
Language: English
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