BSIT 7th Semester Books Download in PDF
Following are the all subjects and also explain there outline of every subject you can learn it.
You can Download any book from given below links.
Network Management & Administration
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide a practical as well as theoretical basis or managing and administrating networks. The following topics will be covered in this course: Network Management Overview, Case Histories of Networking & Management, organization and Information Models, Communication and Functional Models, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Remote Monitoring Web-Based Management, Broadband Network Management, Tools, Systems and Applications, Introduction to windows XP and 2003 server, Review of File sharing, Users Accounts and groups, How DNS works, DHCP server, Managing web services using IIS, Remote Access Services, Dis Management, Overview of the Active Directory, Integrating DNS with the Active Directory, Introduction of Linux, User Administration & Disk Management, Samba server, Web Server, Firewall, An Introduction to IP Tables, Internet Traffic Management using Squid, Remote Disk Access with NFS
Book Details:
Language: English
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Enterprise Application Development
Objectives: This course intends to teach the technologies underpinning modern enterprise wide applications including client-server, distributed and object-based systems. The purpose o f the course is to explain the role o f enterprise java beans in enterprise application development and its relationship to other J2ee technologies such as JSP, Servlets , JMS, CORB A and xml .This course includes explanation of EJB architecture: role of EJB container ,transaction control, authorization control and object pooling and EJB development lifecycle: Java source code compilation ,XML deployment descriptors , EJB compilation and deployment and use by an application server. It will provide a sound foundation for distributed application development. Emphasis of the course is on enterprise level development of applications. The following topics will be covered in this course: Overview o f enterprise Java beans: Component architecture and service oriented architecture, Enterprise application design issues , Distributed computing model applying RMI, Naming and directory service(JNDI,LD AP) overview, Enterprise Fundamentals: Enterprise beans overview ,types of beans , Entity beans: CMP,BMP and session beans: Stateless session beans and stateful session beans , Development of an EJB component: Remote interface ,Home interface, local interface, local home interface, bean class ,deployment descriptor and bean deployment Introduction to JMS and MDBs , Introduction to Java ,Introduction to namespaces, Introduction to Java Mail API, Introduction to Java cryptography, Model view controller.
Book Details:
Name: Operating System Concepts
Author: Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
Edition: 7th Edition
Language: English
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Book Details:
Name: Principles of DB using C and C++
Author: Vinu V Das
Language: English
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